With the release of Sandy Bridge, and subsequent delay, earlier this year, every laptop manufacturer has released refreshed or entirely new models featuring Intel’s latest chipset. Alienware’s M18x laptop is quite new, which is why it’s such a surprise to see a deal on it already. Don’t get too excited those, Alienware is just going to save you a few bucks on their new 18-inch flagship gaming rig… but every dollar counts, right?
If the black or red chassis with six different backlight colors fits your style, then the M18x is just the kind of beast necessary to satiate your portable gaming desires. The massive machine houses an 18.4-inch 1080p LCD, quad-core Sandy Bridge Core i7 processors, up to 32GB DDR3 RAM, up to dual NVIDIA or AMD graphics, dual hard drives, and a slot-loading DVD or Blu-ray drive.
If all of these goodies sound expensive, you would be right. The M18x starts at $1,999, but there is a little relief with a $75 coupon and a free shipping coupon. You can get out the door for $1,924 (excluding any applicable tax) with these coupons, as long as you order by May 18th.
Visit LogicBuy for the Alienware M18x
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