When Google launched the Cr-48 Chrome laptop 6 months ago it shipped with a number of Easter Eggs on board. There was even one in the YouTube marketing video introducing Chrome OS. It turned out to be a MENSA puzzle on a blackboard that netted the first person to figure it out a Cr-48.
Since then we’ve found out you can induce a browser crash with a flag setting, and that Google hid a developer mode on the laptop inside the battery chassis. Even the packaging that the Cr-48 came in was an Easter Egg of sorts.
For the completists out there who own a Cr-48 I have some bad news. Bill Richardson, a member of Google’s technical staff, logged into Google Groups today and informed everyone there is still one Cr-48 easter egg left. That’s right, 6 months of searching still hasn’t found all the hidden gems.
The only clue he’s given as to what it could be is in the name, stating “Cr-48. That should tell you something right there.”
It’s driving a few people up the wall trying to find out what this easter egg is, and with the only clue being the name it could take a while. “CR-48 is the unstable isotope of Chromium” has been one of the main things Cr-48 owners have been thinking about, but that could be completely the wrong track.
If you onw a Cr-48 get your thinking cap on, there’s kudos to be won here, and many a virtual back pat from fellow owners.
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